5 SEO Tricks to Make Money on Pinterest

make money on pinterestAre you wondering how to make money on Pinterest?

With 93% of people using Pinterest to plan their next purchase, you should learn how to sell effectively on this popular platform.

But frantically pinning thousands of pins a day won’t lead to any sales. Instead, you need to do the work and prepare your profile for maximum exposure. And one of the best ways to do that is through search engine optimization.

In order for your pins to be seen by more people, you need to use the right keywords and descriptions.

So keep reading to discover the best SEO tips and tricks for earning money on Pinterest.

1. Do Keyword Research

Before you implement your Pinterest money-making strategy, you should research the right keywords in your field. This is important if you want people to see, repin and click on your pins.

The platform is kind of a ‘visual search engine’, so you have two options:

  • Type in a keyword and see the type of pins it shows, their quality and descriptions
  • Perform external keyword search and use those keywords on your boards, pin images and descriptions

Whenever you search for something on Pinterest, you’ll see automatic suggested searches right under the search bar. Use these to see what people are looking for.

If you’re not sure how to approach this, ask for help from specialized SEO companies like 180 Fusion.

2. Optimize Your Profile

The best way to get maximum exposure on this platform is to register a business account. You’ll have access to all the insights and tools you need to see how your pins are doing.

For starters, pick the right username, and if possible, use a quality keyword in it. Then, fill out your ‘About’ section. Be short and to the point, and try to add keywords here as well.

Add your company logo or a photo of yourself and you’re all set!

3. Optimize Your Boards

The next step is to create new boards and optimize the old ones.

Consider your audience, relevant keywords, and the market research you’ve done before you start pinning. Title each board appropriately and include keywords whenever you can.

Also, provide clean, visually appealing content within the boards for a great user experience.

4. Optimize Your Pins

Don’t expect to make money on Pinterest if you don’t optimize your pins for SEO.

First, focus on using the right size for your pins. The optimal size is 600×900 px and they should all be vertical. Also, don’t be afraid to use descriptions (with keywords) for the images and tell users the story behind the pin.

Ultimately, your pins should be valuable to your audience if you want to make money.

5. Pin Regularly

As with any content marketing strategy, pinning regularly and strategically is crucial for getting discovered on Pinterest.

Pinning several times a day will give you the most exposure without looking like a spam account. You can schedule your pins beforehand so you can spend more time curating new useful content.

Are You Ready to Make Money on Pinterest?

Now you know the best SEO tricks for optimizing your Pinterest profile and making money on this platform.

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