Facebook Taking Over Mobile Apps Custom Like Buttons With “Built-In Like Action”

Facebook Like Button SidewayAh, Facebook’s Like. Mark Zuckerberg essentially changed the comprehension we perceived the word “like” and incorporated it in a way that immediately associated with the social network giant. With nearly a billion users, Liking became the unofficial positive emotional expression of the internet.

So after taking over the web with the Like button, now Facebook intends to tie up the Like into mobile apps (even if it isn’t as quite as the original “Like”).

Facebook posted that it is beginning to enable (to obligate perhaps fits more) developers implement Open Graph built-in like action which will integrate the app’s local like annotation (heart, thumbs up, smiley, fu*k yeah) with Facebook just as the old familiar Like button.

Perhaps an example will help to illustrate it better. Let’s say you are using the rising video app Viddy and you decided to express your virtual affection towards one of the short videos you watched. When you’ll click on the heart icon, it will be posted to your Facebook account just as the original Like button is.

Some of the apps which already implemented the built-in like action are Foursquare and Instagram. Today, When users are clicking on one of those apps’ local like indication, it will also get posted to their Facebook’s News Feed and the friend who received the like will be notified on his/her Facebook account.

Instagram Like To Facebook

I’m pretty sure that developers would adopt quickly this built-in like action on their apps as it holds GIGANTIC POTENTIAL (I stressed it as much as I could). Facebook already proved it can amazingly boost the traffic of apps to epic proportions (see Instagram, Viddy, Socialcam, Pinterest and many many more).

The built-in like action also tremendously contributing to Facebook’s mobile reinforcement efforts. Facebook basically just made itself the social network patron of many mobile apps which uses Facebook’s Open Graph. This is a huge expansion step into the app-flooded mobile world.

Facebook noted that from now on, standalone custom like action within the app alone won’t be approved. Developers will have to switch their current custom app’s like characterization to the new Open Graph built-in like action on the next 90 days as users would need to grant access to publish those likes to Facebook.