Less Clean But More Social – Google’s Homepage Gets The Share Box

It seems like Google+ really hitting it off over the last few months. I covered here at least four different reports and analyses just this month that pointing out on incredible growth rate of the social network since December. Riding on the momentum wave, Google is taking another step of further Google+ integration in its most precious product, the search engine.

If deep personal Google+ integration into the search engine results wasn’t enough for you, Google is now mixing another feature of its social network into the holy thing of all, its homepage. From now, you can find on the main Google site on the top right corner of the page, the Google+ share box.

Google homepage with the share box
Google.com new homepage with the share box

Actually, it is more accurate to say main Google homepages. The share box doesn’t just appears in Google.com but also in all other local sites (.co.uk, .com.hk, .co.jp, .co.in and so on). This addition shouldn’t come as a surprise, it was already announced about couple of weeks ago although it takes time to get used to.

The share box integration is a massive promotion for Google+. Google search local sites all around the world are among the most popular sites in each country and Google main site (.com) is the most popular one in the world. This will surely encourage global users to join the social network and also to engage with it (Share).

I think it makes sense to integrate the share box in Google homepages because people love the possibility to always stay socially connected and the share box (alongside the notifications feature) is providing exactly that. Believe it or not, I’m already witnessing many Google+ fanatics that social networking all day (and night) long.

The slightly different look of Google’s homepage(s) with the latest update is symbolizing the change Google is evolving into as a company- From the clean and simple search engine to the many different online products where the search engine takes the biggest part (although maybe one day the share box will be bigger).