Matt Cutts Warns From Fake Comments, Denying AdWords and Organic Rankings Connection

Matt Cutts The Spam ManLeaving fake comments is not so unusual phenomenon on the web. however, when it comes from (alleged) high reputable individual when the the real person do tend to interact with others regularly, It may hold a mistaken conception with great misleading potential for the readers.

This what happens a lot to the indefatigable Matt Cutts- Apparently, many spammers likes to leave comments on “behalf” of Google’s head of spam team… Because Matt is such a known authoritative figure on the webmaster community which many are following everything he says, Matt had to deny couple of comments he allegedly wrote and even posted a video to rejecting one (or more) of the fake comments content.

In his personal blog, Matt had wrote a post warning webmasters from fake comments pretending to be him: “A lot of the time, I dispel misconceptions by leaving comments on blogs…” Matt also offered a solution how to know if it was really him left the comment- Ask him on his official Twitter account! Matt already used this verification method in the past as you can in this Tweet:

Matt Cutts Confirming Comment In a Tweet
Matt Cutts Confirming Comment In a Tweet

Advertising On AdWords Will Not Improve Organic Rankings!

Due to one or more fake Matt Cutts comments posted regarding the connection between AdWords and organic search rankings, Matt (the real one) had to post a video, disqualifying the claim that advertising with Google AdWords will improve site’s organic rankings. In the video, Matt explains that there is no connection between the two and there will be no organic rankings benefit if you buy AdWords.

Additionally, Matt has recommended to create quality content that will attract links (as he and anybody else on Google always suggests) instead of counting on such dubious tactics (my words). Here’s the short video denying the false argument: