Facebook Small Business Boost Program: Free Ad Credits, Roadshows And Resources

Facebook is starting a new program for U.S. small businesses where the popular social network will provide free resources, webinars, roadshows events by experts and also free ad credits for small businesses to advertise on Facebook.

To carry out this nationwide program, Facebook has partnered with the nonprofit organization National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) and with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The NFIB announced that The program goals are to help U.S. small businesses grow their customers base and also to create new jobs.

The Program Has 3 Main Segments:

Online Resources- Free webinars, guides, studies and advices about connecting with new customers and retaining existing ones using Facebook tools.

Nationwide Roadshows- All over the country events where experts will educate and discuss with business owners about Facebook marketing.

Free Ad Credits- From the beginning of 2012, Facebook will offer 200,000 businesses across the U.S. $50 in ad credit to advertise on Facebook as a “small business boost”.

While the benefits of small businesses are pretty obvious, you might ask yourself what is it for Facebook?

First, by providing free ad credits Facebook intend to allure small business owners to allocate more marketing funds to its own advertising platform. Second, by releasing online resources so small businesses will optimize their Facebook pages and such, it serves both parties. Third, cross-country roadshows is a great marketing and advertising concept for Facebook itself.

All in all, it sounds like a very good plan, where both Facebook and small businesses could benefit from. Find details and updates about the program in Facebook Business Boost.