Twitter Introduce Two New Tabs For Better Browsing And Discovering

Twitter exposed a few days ago, two new features that suppose to assist the users understand and browse their social surroundings easier and more comfortable. Does Twitter intend to impeach all third party services and offer its own solutions?


After the new Twitter interface has been fixed as the default, Now the company presents two new tabs instead of the @Mentions tab, which will be removed completely. This new order supposed to give the users more social possibilities to browse through your social connection with these new tabs:

@YourUsername Tab
Designed to show you what is happening on the network directly to you: Tweets to you, Retweets of your own Tweets, favorites and such things.

Designed to show you the latest activities of your followers at the same manners like the @YourUsername Tab.


Twitter, justifiably for my opinion, wants the users to use only its own services and features and not other third party services. This process had began before with the new upload photos directly to Twitter feature and it is continuing now.

These new changes suppose to benefit users (and online businesses) to increase their exposure. Separating the @Mentions tab into two, is definitely more organized and if you play an active part in Twitter, it can certainly improve your social presence.



Here are the new tabs screenshots Twitter released:


The New @YourUsername TabThe New Activity Tab