Google Adsense is one of the main sources of income for many online business owners. Knowing its full features, tools and analysis options are vital for insuring the best possible income stream.
At the end of last year, Adsense presented a new more advanced interface. Let us review its different new features:
Home Page
Right as you enter the new Adsense, you can see an overview report that contains today and yesterday earnings, this month and last month earnings and from what we have earned (content, search, feeds).

New My Ads Look
My ads
The new look for My ads offers better visibility on all ad units including its name, ID, status (active or no), summary (text/image and size) and the last date edited.

Bulk Actions
My ads->Choose the ad units->Actions
This feature let you rapidly take some action on several ad units simultaneously. Although its a great option to speed things up, be careful!

Allow and Block Ads
Allow & block ads
Sometimes you discover some ad you don’t want to show up on your website. With this feature you can adjust it easily.

Daily/Weekly/Monthly Reports
Performance reports->by day/week/month
You can choose how to see your profits advancement in your preferred time frame.

Performance reports->Products
Follow your earnings arranged by products. You can also set the time frames here for each product.

Compare Between Ad Sizes/Units
Performance reports->Ad sizes/Ad units->Choose your ads and click Chart
With the new Adsense you can compare between different ad sizes or ad units, to analyze what works better and which one is more profitable.

Performance reports->Sites
From now on, you don’t have to create many channels if you operate multiple websites, Adsense creates the separable reports automatic for you!

Countries Distribution
Performance reports->Countries
Follow your earnings sorted by countries. Find out where around the globe you are most successful, so you could target yourself better.

Performance reports->Platforms
Find out from which devices you are profitable. You might find you earned more than you have expected from some device and less from others.