Distance Learning Tip Guide to Keep Your Child Attentive

If your children have had to turn to distance learning for their education, you know that it can be challenging to make the transition. Some children do better with in-person learning and struggle to learn online. Fortunately, you can help your children adjust by using a few key strategies.

Read on to learn about a distance learning tip guide that will keep your kids engaged!

Create a Virtual Learning Space

One of the biggest challenges of virtual learning is finding a good space to do it. If the television is on in your living room all the time or you have too many spaces occupied in your house, your child may feel like they don’t have a space to learn. And your child runs the risk of being distracted from the task at hand if they’re too close to other people or noises.

That’s why it’s important to create a designated space where your child can work. Provide a desk, a lamp, a reading chair, and some bags of snacks for occasional rewards. They’ll feel like what they’re doing is valuable and be able to focus better!

Establish Some Rules and Expectations

When you’re spending a lot of time at home, it’s easy to think of it as vacation time. You’ll need to make an effort to help your child understand that there are rules and expectations for learning each day. You want them to take their education seriously, after all.

You can start by limiting their screen time during the day. It’s good to give your child breaks so they can connect with friends on social media or through video chats. But too much of this can turn into a distraction.

On the same note, try to limit the amount of time your child spends mindlessly looking on the internet or watching television. You can help your child build time management skills and start to see leisure activities as rewards for a hard day of work. It might be hard at first, but your child will get better at discipline with some encouragement and affirmation.

Mix Hands-on and Digital Experiences

When it comes to distance learning tips, one of the best ones is to include some traditional forms of learning. That’s right — you don’t need to move completely away from methods of learning that involve a pencil and paper.

At any age, taking notes is one of the best habits a person can develop. You want to encourage your kids to take notes the old-fashioned way to build diligence. They’ll be more attentive to details and learn how to listen carefully.

You can help your child build curiosity and creativity by incorporating some painting projects, music lessons, or theatrical performances, too. They’ll enjoy a break from screen time, too!

A Good Distance Learning Tip? Don’t Forget Recess

Kids need time to play — even if they’re learning from home. While it might be tempting to skip recess during a day of virtual learning, don’t do it. When it comes to figuring out how kids can stay engaged in distance learning, recess is key.

Research shows that recess is beneficial to a child’s development. They’ll be sharper in the classroom and healthier if you make a point of including a recess in their daily schedule. Aim to give them a few short breaks outside that add up to 60 minutes over the course of the day.

Track Progress with Lists and Schedules

Tracking your child’s progress is another step you’ll want to take. This can mean drawing up a weekly calendar or a daily checklist. It also means creating a schedule to add structure to the day.

When your child is sitting in front of a computer for long stretches of time, it’s easy for the time to seem endless. By creating a schedule, you can ration out the lessons and ensure that your child doesn’t feel fatigued. You’ll also build variety into their curriculum.

When you’re preparing a schedule, you’ll want to be attentive to both short-term and long-term educational goals. Set weekly goals that range from being reasonable to lofty. And work with your child to meet the goals that are more challenging.

Find a Support Community

Another tip? Find a community of parents to lean on for support. Determining how to educate your child can be a stressful time, but there’s no better resource than your fellow parents.

It’s always wise to ask for input from other parents when you’re trying to figure out what’s best for your child. You can find out more about which schools provide opportunities to pursue different approaches to distance learning that are tailored to your child’s needs.

Block in Some Family Time

One of the great things about having your child learning at home is that it provides a chance to build stronger family bonds. Not only will you get to help tutor your child and assess their progress, but you’ll also get to laugh and play with them. Make family time a priority during your time together.

Schedule in some game nights, or go backyard camping at night. You can even study the plants and birds on your own property or at a nearby park to make family time educational. You’ll help create lasting memories and help your child see you as a parent, teacher, and friend.

Make Virtual Learning a Success

A good distance learning tip guide includes opportunities to create a good schedule that will suit your child’s needs. Don’t be afraid to adjust your plans if you notice the results or motivation lagging. Figuring out how to make virtual learning a successful experience is an ongoing process that requires your help.

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