Top 10 Tips to Stay Sober

When you quit drinking, it might seem like it sobriety gets easier over time. It’s especially difficult when you’ve recently made this huge change in your life. The truth is those moments of weakness can creep up on you unexpectedly. And when they do, there’s a good chance of you caving in if you don’t put some systems in place to bring your focus back.

Read these 10 tips below to help you stay sober if you’re having some worries about falling down a slippery slope after you quit drinking.

1. Create Healthy Dietary Habits and Routines

Keeping up with a healthy diet is important for any human being. Yet it is especially important when your goal is to stay sober. Certain foods and additives may affect you biologically, so it is best to avoid things that will cause a negative response to your recovery.

You can start with small changes, such as avoiding sugar. Eating sugar causes blood glucose to destabilize and can trigger rises and drops in blood sugar levels. This can make withdrawal symptoms worse and create cravings that could turn you towards the thing you’re trying to escape.

Another helpful tip is to incorporate daily habits that will support your body’s organs functioning correctly and eliminating toxins regularly. You may want to invest in multivitamins and be sure to add plenty of whole foods and water into your diet. Putting effort into healthy habits everyday can help you to stay sober.

2. Surround Yourself with Supportive People As Much As Possible

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to go through recovery alone. Align with people who are supportive of your goals and can offer a helping hand when you need. Find people who you can be open with and confide in when you’re having a weak moment. And avoid anyone who is not fully committed to assisting you with your sobriety. Here are people to look towards for support:

  • Family and friends
  • Group instructors and other members of 12-step/AA programs
  • Religious/Spiritual leaders and other members of the religious community
  • Trusted colleagues
  • Therapists and counselors
  • Crisis hotline operators

The benefits of a support system and support groups can increase the longevity of your recovery.

3. Start a New Hobby (or Revisit an Old One) to Keep Yourself Distracted

Going through a recovery process can often cause you to feel empty when you need to stay sober. Introducing (or reintroducing) hobbies that you enjoy can help with those emotional lows. Think about the activities that cause you joy and can benefit your recovery and make time to add those things into your life. Consider taking a class, starting a new exercise routine of making some art.

4. Listen to Motivational Audios and Videos

Sometimes you may just need a quick pick-up on those really rough days. Listening to motivational speeches can inspire and remind you of a deeper purpose to your process. Create a playlist of your favorite audios and videos to have handy if you have a hard moment.

5. Write Down Your Goals and Read Them Daily to Remind Yourself

The power of writing down goals has become more popular in the past couple of years. The most basic benefit of this practice is having a written reminder to return to when you need. Take time to write your goals on a piece of paper and read them to yourself everyday.

6. Consider Starting Daily Meditation

Most people know meditation for its overall calming and tranquility effect. However, meditation has many benefits that can help you to stay sober by fighting negative symptoms of recovery. Meditation has been shown to alleviate pain relief, help with stress management, and reduce anxiety and depression.

The internet has become an amazing resource for finding meditation audios if you are unsure of how to start. Find time to quiet your mind and focus on your breathing when you feel the weight of recovery getting heavy.

7. Spend More Time in Nature and Relaxing Environments

Your environment can have direct effects on your mood and emotions. Some days a change of scenario will help out a lot. Remember to go on refreshing walks through nature and spend time in natural environments, such as the local park or near a lake.

Don’t hesitate to take a break from your current location if it becomes toxic to your progress.

8. Research Natural and Alternative Paths to Healing

You don’t have to follow the same path that others have set for your recovery journey. And there are many paths to take. One of them being a more holistic path.

If you’re not completely sold on conventional methods then consider looking into various natural remedies. You may find benefits from different herbs, foods, spiritual practices or physical activities. The most important factor is to find a way that best helps you to stay sober.

9. Remove Temptations from Your Home and Life

Now that you’re committed to staying sober you’ll need to re-evaluate your old habits. Although some things may seem obvious, they’re still difficult. And you may need some reminders. Here are some quick ones to start:

  • Take all the liquor out of your house – even empty bottles
  • Avoid any bars, clubs, or places that tempt you to have a drink
  • Turn down some happy hour invitation until you feel comfortable enough in your journey

It may take some extra willpower but you will thank yourself in the long run!

10. Be Patient With Yourself

This might be the most important tip of them all. You won’t be cured after you leave a rehab stay or even after a few meetings. The stop drinking timeline can last for years. If you continue to work on yourself every day, you’ll be able to stay sober.

Share If You Have More Tips on How You Can Stay Sober

Making a commitment to stay sober is a difficult trial. Have you experienced a successful recovery story or are you currently going through recovery? If so, share some extra tips below to help others out who may be going through the same as you.