Top 10 Product Display Tips

Do you need to improve your product display in your store?

Your product displays can play an important role in your sales. When done well, displays can increase your sales by encouraging impulse buys.

Over 84% of Americans have made impulse buys. About 50% have admitted to admitting to impulse buys of $100 or more.

That’s why the candy and magazines are always near the cash register at grocery stores.

Keep reading to learn the top 10 product display tips that will increase sales for your business.

1. Know Product Display Basics

There is a lot of psychology behind visual displays. People are generally wired to respond to visuals as opposed to text.

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling candles or bubble gum. These basic principles apply to you.

Believe it or not, your display should be asymmetrical rather than symmetrically balanced. An off-balance display will grab attention.

The largest products in your display should be front and center.

The use of color will have a psychological impact as well. Orange is friendly and cheerful, yellow is happy, and blue is dependable.

Your display should also have a focal point, which is where the lighting, background and other elements come together to meet. This is the point where the eye is drawn to.

2. Know Your Customer

Abercrombie & Fitch created its display and design policies based on what it knew about its shoppers.

You can do something similar with your product displays. In this case, it’s not enough to know the basic demographics of your customers. You have to know how they think, behave, and what drives them to purchase.

You can get that information from your POS system. Notice if there are any buying trends to better understand your customers.

3. Look for Inspiration

If you’re struggling to look for ideas, get out and look for inspiration.

You can take a quick trip to a few of your favorite retail stores to see how they have their displays set up. You can take a notepad with you and jot down any notes about displays you liked and didn’t like.

Also, take not is there was something that you really wanted to buy. How much did the display’s location and look influence that decision?

If you’re not interested in a shopping trip, how about looking online?

Sites like Pinterest, Design Retailer, and Smart Retailer have display images that will inspire you to create.

4. Take Your Customers on a Journey

Have you ever been to IKEA? How many times have you walked through the maze of products with the intention to buy one thing? How many times did you wind up filling your bag?

That’s because IKEA does a great job guiding customers through its various showrooms, dotting it with inexpensive accessories along the way.

If you want to incorporate a similar experience, think of how customers usually scan a store. They do so at 45-degree angles. You’ll want your most important products to be within eyesight.

5. Incorporate Flowers

Flowers can provide a complete experience for shoppers. Not only can they see the colors pop and touch the flowers and product nearby, but their sense of smell is engaged, too.

Researchers have shown that flowers can make people feel relaxed and happy, which is a great state to be in while shopping.

6. Use Counter Displays

Counter displays are a powerful way to boost purchases for products and brands that your customers are already familiar with.

Ravenshoe Packaging offers some wisdom about counter displays. For example, displays at the counter are accessible and easy to read.

These displays are common in convenience stores, salons, and boutique retail locations.

7. Use the Rule of Three

Creating a product display forces you to think about where the eyes should focus on a display.

That’s why you’ll often see displays in sets of threes, with one product being the center of attention and then glancing over to the other products.

Similar to having an off-balanced display, three items will make the customer look at the display longer as the brain processes all of the information there.

If you’re using a counter display, you could apply this in a pyramid fashion, where the main product goes on top and then the eyes glance down towards the other products.

8. Ask Your Employees

Your employees are a valuable asset. Your employees have a wealth of information to share and they have great insights since they’re always working the retail floor.

They’ll notice how displays can be improved and make those recommendations.

By asking for their opinion, you’re showing your employees that you trust them. They’ll feel valued and empowered. Both of those things create employee loyalty and increase job satisfaction.

9. Use Light to Create the Mood

Lighting can be used to set the buying mood and give your customers a sense of what they’re about to buy.

Dim lighting can create a warm, quiet and intimate environment and bright lights can create an active mood.

You can use lighting to draw attention to your best-selling products by using a singular light or a spotlight.

10. Keep Testing & Tweaking Your Product Display

Like a lot of things in marketing, displays require refining and testing.

When you first set up your new product display, you’ll want to notice how customers interact with it. Do you notice that they spend time with it? Have the product sales gone up?

If you’re seeing positive results, see if there’s anything you can do to improve that.

If you’re not seeing positive results, ask yourself what you can do differently. Go back and review the basic design elements, and see how you can incorporate some of these tips to make improvements.

A Product Display Can Help Your Business Grow

People love to shop and make impulse purchases.

A strategically placed product display that’s designed well and gets attention can help facilitate those purchases.

You can boost the sales of your store just by making simple adjustments to how your products are presented.

For more tips and ideas that will help you build your business, check out our business blog.