How to Successfully Monetize Your Real Estate Blog

adobestock 1137007Are you one of the over 6.5 million people who currently run a blog? Have you recently thought about creating a blog as either a side hustle or as your main source of income?

Do you want to combine your passion for real estate with your love of writing?

If so, then you need to read this article.

How well you’re able to monetize your blog depends entirely on the tactics you take and the amount of work you’re willing to put into it.

Of course, if you’re smart, you’re already looking for shortcuts. In this post, we’ll tell you how you can make more money with your real estate blog.

1. Take Advantage of Advertising

When it comes to the blogging world, there are countless ways to sell your advertising space or earn money through ad revenue.

One of the most common ways is to approach relevant companies or use Google AdSense to help you put up ads on your blog. These ads can vary in price depending on size, placement, content, and more. Usually, how much you make will depend on how many visitors you get.

So, it’s always important to post as much high-quality content as possible. (This is where creating a posting schedule can really come in handy.)

Another option is pay-per-click advertising.

In a nutshell, you’ll make a small profit every time one of your readers clicks on an ad on your blog. Google and other search engines take note of what’s on your real estate blog and only display relevant ads.

You can also try using affiliate marketing to increase your revenue. This means that you’ll write a longer review or blog post about a specific product. For example, maybe your blog has a “home improvement” section, and you review a certain type of paint or paintbrush.

In your content, you then include links to purchase those specific paints and paintbrushes. If one of your readers clicks on those links and makes the purchase, then you’ll earn a commission off of the sale price.

2. Sell An e-Book

Do you have a passion for writing e-guides? Have you written long-form content for your real estate blog that you’re struggling to place on your website? Do you feel like your readers would be interested in basic guides about the real estate market?

If so, then it sounds like writing an e-book is the perfect option for you.

If there’s a niche in real estate that you feel especially comfort in, write a more detailed, expert guide about it.

Perhaps you could write a book about how to sell your home for cash, as this blog does. You could also write an e-book about how to get your real estate license, how to flip houses, or how to increase your home’s curb appeal.

To get your readers interested in your book, it’s a good idea to tease out a few pages on a blog post. If you have an email list of subscribers, make sure to send out a quick blast letting them know that you’re spilling serious real estate secrets in your e-book.

If your first e-book sells well, then why not start a series?

3. Offer To Write Guest Posts

Sure, your real estate blog is the perfect platform for all of your content relating to the market.

But it’s certainly not the only place you can publish your writing!

Start looking into other popular industry blogs and websites, as well as more general business sites like Forbes and Entrepreneur. In some cases, you may be able to collect a nice chunk of change for writing an article for another website or blog.

However, even if the pay is minimal (or if you’re only getting paid in exposure) you’ll still be able to raise awareness about your site and increase your traffic.

Plus, the best thing about writing guest posts for relevant sites is that you know you’re writing to an audience that’s already interested in real estate. This means you’ll connect instantly with your target market, instead of hoping that they stumble across your blog in search engine results.

4. Create Premium Content

Some of your blog posts or Instagram stories take a few minutes to bang out, and can be posted while you’re in line at the grocery store.

Others, however, require several days of research, lots of edits, and even interviews with other real estate experts.

So why are you giving away all the hard work your more in-depth articles require for free?

There’s no shame in putting up a paywall to get access to your premium real estate blog content.

Offer several subscription options to your readers, and always vary the type of content that’s behind a paywall.

For example, make video content that takes viewers on virtual tours of homes on the market. Or, create an “advice column” where you address some of the most common real estate conundrums. You could even create a well-researched list of the most shocking real estate statistics of the year.

Just make sure that you’re still creating well-written and engaging free content, to encourage your readers to upgrade.

Ready To Start Your Real Estate Blog?

Thanks to this post, we know that you’re eager to get your real estate blog off the ground.

However, it’s important that you think of the tips listed here as the foundation of your blogging journey — not the entirety of it.

You still need to consider things like site navigation, keyword research, mobile-friendliness, and much more. We know — it sounds like a lot. Luckily, we’re here to help you get through it, and ensure that you continually increase your real estate blog’s revenue.

Spend some time on our website to learn more about how to take your blog to the next level. You’ll learn how to start a blog, how to increase your traffic, and much more.

We can’t wait to see you in the blogosphere!